The CBRN Response Strategy
A Good Plan and Good PPE
1. The CBRN Response Checklist Template
2. The Level-C PPE with PAPR Push Pack
1. The Goal is to Limit Business Chaos, Support Continuity, and
2. Provide Premium Level-C PPE with Fallout PAPR to
Limit Exposure to CBRN Particles During an Evacuation.
For Executive Officers and Tier-1 Essetial Personnel in the
Corporate, Medical, Civic, and Public Sectors
Your CBRN Response Consultation Includes
The CBRN Response Checklist Template for
Executive Officers and Tier-1
Essential Personnel within 100 miles.
Update Your Planned Orders and Actions for the
First 3 Days After a Nearby CBRN Event.
To Limit Business Chaos and
Limit Exposure to CBRN Particles
During an Officially Ordered Evacuation.
0-72 Hours CBRN Response Checklist
For Executive Officers and Tier-1 Essential Personnel within 100 miles.
Update each line item with facility-specific information.
Initial Assessment and Control
- Verify CBRN incident type and confirmation from emergency channels
- Establish upwind command post and incident command structure
- Implement predetermined notification protocols to all stakeholders
- Secure facility HVAC systems and building access points
- Establish hot, warm, and cold zones based on contamination levels
Emergency Communications
- Activate mass notification system for all personnel
- Establish communication with local emergency operations center
- Coordinate with scientific and medical support teams
- Implement secure data sharing through CBRNResponder platform
Zone Management
- Restrict access to inner cordon (hot zone) to protected responders
- Establish decontamination corridors and stations
- Deploy monitoring equipment for boundary control
- Coordinate with HAZMAT teams for technical assessment
Resource Deployment
- Activate emergency response teams with appropriate PPE
- Deploy detection and monitoring equipment
- Establish accountability checkpoints
- Coordinate with logistics for essential supply delivery
Transportation Coordination
- Verify evacuation routes against plume modeling data
- Stage transportation resources at safe assembly points
- Establish personnel accounting system
- Coordinate with local authorities for safe passage corridors
Business Continuity Actions
- Activate alternate work locations and command centers
- Secure vital records and critical data systems
- Transfer critical functions to backup sites
- Establish emergency communication channels
Assessment Operations
- Conduct facility and infrastructure impact assessment
- Monitor changes to CBRN threats and hazards
- Document all actions and decisions
- Prepare for extended operational disruption
Sustainment Planning
- Coordinate decontamination requirements with authorities
- Plan for personnel rotation and relief schedules
- Establish long-term resource needs
- Prepare transition plan to appropriate authorities.
Order Your CBRN Response Consultation $200. HERE
CBRN Event Responsibilities for Executive Officers Included: